- اجرا کردن ویندوز ۸ از روی USB | mymicrosoftlife.net
- نسخه ۳ پلتفورم پراویو اینترنت اکسپلورر ۱۰ | mymicrosoftlife.net
- یادداشت من در ماهنامه بانکداری الکترونیک | itsec.persianblog.ir
- //Build/–Windows 8 Thoughts | www.amazedsaint.com
- A bad picture is worth a thousand long discussions. | dougseven.com
- C# 5: Links, News and Resources (1) | ajlopez.wordpress.com
- Creating Data-driven web apps using ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms | www.techbubbles.com
- Data Schema Comparison in Visual Studio 2010 | dailydotnettips.com
- Demystifying the Windows 8 Grid Application | weblogs.asp.net
- Developing for WinRT and Windows8 – Basic Concepts | www.amazedsaint.com
- Download and contribute Metro style app samples | blogs.msdn.com
- I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong. | dougseven.com
- Metro .NET Framework Profile (“Windows Tailored”) | blogs.microsoft.co.il
- New HTML Editor feature in Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview | blogs.msdn.com
- Real Native WinRT Development | www.interact-sw.co.uk
- The New Team Explorer in TFS 11 | blogs.msdn.com
- Under the Covers of WinRT Using C++ | blogs.microsoft.co.il
- Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Visual Basic (VB) Call Hierarchy | blogs.msdn.com
- Visual Studio BUILD sessions and Tips & Tricks Cheat Sheet | blogs.msdn.com
- WebMatrix 2 Beta - Released! | blogs.iis.net
- Win32: “The Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” | getwired.com
- WinRT and .NET | www.lhotka.net
- WinRT and .NET in Windows 8 | blogs.microsoft.co.il
- WinRT and business apps | www.lhotka.net
- WinRT vs. Silverlight - Part 5 - Defining default style template | www.silverlightshow.net
- WPF 4.5 – Part 1 : Asynchronous data validation | www.jonathanantoine.com
- WPF 4.5 – Part 2 : Improved WeakEventManager | www.jonathanantoine.com