- بررسی ویرویس Stuxnet | www.idevcenter.com
- تایپ متن فارسی در Gmail | googlepersianblog.blogspot.com
- خصوصیات جدید در ASP.NET 4.5 - خصوصیت HTML Editor Smart Tasks and Event Handler Generation | mojtabasahraei.blogfa.com
- ديتابيس رنگي | www.dotnetdev.info
- شما مرغابي هستيد يا عقاب؟ | hrnews.blogfa.com
- نقد فیلم "one flew over the cuckoos nest - دیوانه از قفس پرید( پرواز بر فراز آشیانه فاخته)" | filmhafteh.blogfa.com
- Addressing Visual Studio performance | blogs.msdn.com
- BUILD conference–day 3 | lostechies.com
- BUILD: WinRT, Silverlight, WPF, XAML | www.japf.fr
- C# and Visual Basic on the WinRT API | www.infoq.com
- Multi Monitor in VS.NET 2010 & SQL Server 2011 | www.nikamooz.com
- My List of Must-See Build 2011 Videos | 10rem.net
- New CSS editor features in Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview | blogs.msdn.com
- New Tools and New Content - ASP.NET, Visual Studio 11 Web and .NET 4.5 Developer Preview (with commentary) | www.hanselman.com
- Prototype xUnit.net Visual Studio 11 Unit Testing Plugin | bradwilson.typepad.com
- RIA Services updates for //build | feeds.jeffhandley.com
- Using WinRT from .NET | ermau.com
- Windows 8 and WinRT: Links, News and Resources | ajlopez.wordpress.com
- Windows 8 Replaces the Win32 API | www.infoq.com
- Windows 8: What you Need to Know | csharperimage.jeremylikness.com
- WinRT: An Object Orientated Replacement for Win32 | www.infoq.com